Spirit Animal Quiz

Spirit Animal QuizI was getting ready to write this week’s post and was doing some research. I came across a very interesting and informative website at www.spiritanimal.info I thought you might enjoy. It has wonderful information on a variety of animal guides as well as a nice page on how to find your spirit animal and how to develop a relationship with them.

There was a page for a Spirit Animal Quiz that caught my attention. I decided to take a couple of minutes to complete the quiz Continue reading

Asking The Right Questions

question markHow many times have we ask a question and the answer we get is nowhere close to what we wanted, or get no response at all?  This happens all too often for most of us.

Learning the art of asking is a start, but more important is asking with correct intent and phrasing. This applies to all levels of life— personal, social, business, education, and spiritual. Continue reading

Harvest Moon

“Shine on, shine on harvest moon
Up in the sky, … “harvest moon

September 19 brings us the 2013 “Harvest Moon” aka Wine Moon, Corn Moon and Singing Moon (to name but a few). The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the Fall Equinox.

I always remember a sort of awe and mystery about the Harvest Moon. It has such a presence in the sky – a super large bright orange orb shining in the night sky. But is it really bigger, brighter or more colorful? Well, according to the website Earthsky.org, it’s just an ordinary full moon. Continue reading

10 Billion Beats 2013

10 Billion Beats

It’s that time again — the 3rd Friday in September. No, it’s nothing to do with football season. It’s time for the 10 Billion Beats Global Drumming!

When: Friday, Sept 20 – Sept 21 @ 7pm in your time zone (Check the website at 10billionbeats.com for the time zone chart.)
Where: Where ever you are. Just you and your drum, or grab some friends and head to the park, or the back yard or the back 40. Where ever you choose to drum. Continue reading

Salmon Medicine – Wisdom and Determination


Artist-Mervin Windsor ©Garfinkel Publications

It’s salmon season here in the Pacific Northwest so it seems an appropriate time to talk about Salmon Medicine.

Salmon are an extremely important animal to both the lifestyle and the spirituality of many Native American cultures, especially the tribes of the Pacific Northwest Coast and the Columbia River. This powerful creature is considered a source of strength and power for many of these costal tribes. Like the buffalo, the salmon willingly give themselves up as food for the People in many of the Northwest Native American myths, Continue reading

Defeating Our Fears

Fear is a four-letter word. It’s a big word that carries a lot of weight in many of our lives and dictates what we think, act and how we choose to live. Now don’t get me wrong, fear has a place in our lives. We are afraid to walk up to the snarling dog or stick our hand into someplace we can’t see.  But I’m not so sure that it’s not more common sense than fear.

We all have fears. Some we came into this life walk with from previous life experiences. Some we learn from those around us and some are taught to us by family, religion and society to “keep us in line”. And like I said above, some fears are okay. It’s when we become debilitated or confined/defined by our fears that they become an issue.

We often tell clients that the only power fear has is the power we give it. Continue reading

The Element of Fire

FlamesI didn’t realize it has been so long since I posted a blog. Summer has gotten busy with things around The Grove and garden. It’s been hot and dry here in So. Oregon, and for the last week or so, we’ve been dealing with being surrounded by several large wild fires. If you’ve been following our Facebook page, you’ve heard and seen about these fires.

This isn’t unusual for Oregon in the summer, as summer here, especially in southern Oregon is very dry. But this year we’ve had an unusual drought and it’s been hot very early. Our July weather is what we usually see in August. The dry lightning produced by a thunder storm toward the end of July sparked 54 fires in our area. Some were quickly contained, others grew together to create large wild fires. So far, we’ve seen approximately 40,000 acres of forest within a 20 mile radius of us go up in smoke. Continue reading

A House Clearing Shamanic Journey

Sometimes Gary and I are asked to clear land or buildings of negative energy.house under glass domeWhen we do this it can be a mix of soul recovery, psychopomp and energetic healing for both the property and its stewards. Sometimes we can feel like the crew from Ghostbusters containing and disposing of entities and closing portals. Other times, we simply assist stuck souls to complete their transition. And sometimes we have to help appease nature spirits who are ticked off by something that was done to their land (i.e. clear cutting or building a house in a place sacred to them.)

Why souls get “stuck” in a place varies. Sometimes it is because they have a strong connection with the land or home and they simply don’t want to leave. Other times they stay due to a trauma that occurred in that place, keeping a soul piece stuck and unable to move on. And then, we get the entities that are drawn to a place by its energy or the energy of the inhabitants and make it their party place.

I recently had a case that encompassed all the above. Continue reading

Oh No – Dandelions

DandelionAs spring comes into bloom, we wake up to find the bright yellow discs of dandelions sunning themselves in our yards. Of course, our first instinct is get out the weed killer or the weeding tool and off the little suckers quickly before they go to seed. But dandelions are actually a very mystical and magical plant.

Dandelions are rich in symbolism. Their ability to thrive under the most adverse conditions can teach us persistence and survival. Dandelions even burst through the cracks of city sidewalks, a defiant bit of green standing strong. The deep taproots remind us to ground ourselves deep into Mother Earth, so we can stand strong no matter how life’s winds blow. Continue reading