Category Archives: fear

Defeating Our Fears

Fear is a four-letter word. It’s a big word that carries a lot of weight in many of our lives and dictates what we think, act and how we choose to live. Now don’t get me wrong, fear has a place in our lives. We are afraid to walk up to the snarling dog or stick our hand into someplace we can’t see.  But I’m not so sure that it’s not more common sense than fear.

We all have fears. Some we came into this life walk with from previous life experiences. Some we learn from those around us and some are taught to us by family, religion and society to “keep us in line”. And like I said above, some fears are okay. It’s when we become debilitated or confined/defined by our fears that they become an issue.

We often tell clients that the only power fear has is the power we give it. Continue reading

Quiet Before the Storm?

Recently we were talking with a friend who is also shamanic practitioner, just catching up and staying in touch.  Our discussion turned to how we were all doing in our practices, and strangely, we discovered that the month of September for us, her and others that we know, it has been ‘quiet’.  Even though there is daily life activity, the pervading energy feels like a ‘waiting’.  A waiting for what?  It is almost like the collective whole is holding it’s breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop, the door to open, the planets to align? Continue reading