Category Archives: change

Your Heart Software

red-heart-computerToday I was cleaning out my filing cabinet and in a file of “Jokes and Goodies”, I found this transcript and thought it would be a great share. I don’t know where it came from, but thank the author for his/her wisdom.


A customer was experiencing difficulty installing the HEART program. She called the company that wrote the program to get help. This is a transcript of a portion of the conversation between the Customer and the Customer Service Representative: Continue reading

The Element of Fire

FlamesI didn’t realize it has been so long since I posted a blog. Summer has gotten busy with things around The Grove and garden. It’s been hot and dry here in So. Oregon, and for the last week or so, we’ve been dealing with being surrounded by several large wild fires. If you’ve been following our Facebook page, you’ve heard and seen about these fires.

This isn’t unusual for Oregon in the summer, as summer here, especially in southern Oregon is very dry. But this year we’ve had an unusual drought and it’s been hot very early. Our July weather is what we usually see in August. The dry lightning produced by a thunder storm toward the end of July sparked 54 fires in our area. Some were quickly contained, others grew together to create large wild fires. So far, we’ve seen approximately 40,000 acres of forest within a 20 mile radius of us go up in smoke. Continue reading

Quiet Before the Storm?

Recently we were talking with a friend who is also shamanic practitioner, just catching up and staying in touch.  Our discussion turned to how we were all doing in our practices, and strangely, we discovered that the month of September for us, her and others that we know, it has been ‘quiet’.  Even though there is daily life activity, the pervading energy feels like a ‘waiting’.  A waiting for what?  It is almost like the collective whole is holding it’s breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop, the door to open, the planets to align? Continue reading