Frequently Asked Questions

What is Soul Retrieval and Soul Recovery?

What are soul pieces, and how do we lose them?

How do we lose soul pieces?

Can a soul retrieval (Shamanic journey) help me?

What do you do during a soul retrieval journey?

Will I have any reactions to soul recovery?

What happens when Soul Retrieval does not work?

What if I cannot come to the Shaman?

Do long-distance journeys work as well as in-person soul recoveries?

Can a soul recovery be done for someone without their knowledge?

What are Spirit Guides?

Is a soul retrieval helpful for chronic illness?

Can a soul retrieval help someone who is in the dying process or who has already crossed over?

Do soul recoveries and extractions work on animals?

Can soul retrieval and extraction be used to clear negative energy from a place?

What is Soul Retrieval or Soul Recovery?

Soul Retrieval and Soul Recovery are modern terms for one of many ancient Shamanic healing practices. You will find these terms used interchangeably.
The Shaman journeys into an altered state, with the aid of his/her guides, to return missing soul pieces, as well as information surrounding it. This information enables the person to learn more about themself and gives them additional tools to continue along their spiritual path and personal growth.
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What are soul pieces, and how do we lose them?

Soul pieces are parts of our essence, life-force, energy matrix, or Spirit that we have lost during the dramas and traumas of life. Missing soul pieces are like losing pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle. When you have lost a few, you cannot see or complete the whole picture.

The Shaman sees these soul pieces in many forms, from symbols to witnessing an actual event. When the Shamanic journey is completed, and the soul pieces are returned, the Shaman will give you a detailed report on each soul piece, explaining the symbols or circumstances under which they were found. Often the symbols have private meanings for the person or may trigger an association to a situation or event that can lead to resolution of some long-standing issues. In some cases, a piece may not immediately be recognized, but the information will come in during the weeks following the journey.

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How do we lose soul pieces?

Everyone, at some point in life, experiences challenges. These challenges range from simple day-to-day dramas or patterns to major life events, such as emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual trauma. This is when a soul piece may/will split off, as a survival reaction, taking some of our life force with it. As we get older, we may not remember or look back on an incident as being traumatic, however it may have been enough for a soul piece to splinter off then.

Someone can unconsciously take a piece of another person, or we can also give a piece of ourselves to another. People with missing pieces may unconsciously take a piece of someone else to help make them whole, or for other reasons.

For examples of soul piece loss, see more

Examples of soul piece loss are a car accident, a death of a loved one or pet, a major shift in a relationship like a divorce or a betrayal, a long-distance move, assault, abuse of any kind – physical or emotional, sexual molestation, rape, living in a dysfunctional family or work situation, etc. As a child, soul pieces can also shear off in situations like feeling trapped, parents arguing, bullied, feeling the need to hide, fear, etc.

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Can a soul retrieval (Shamanic journey) help me?

The list below are some examples of indications soul loss may have occurred and a soul retrieval could be beneficial:

  • Not feeling whole, saying things like I feel like I am missing something, or I don’t have it all together
  • Stuck in the past after a loved one has died. You cannot seem to move out of the past to live in the present
  • Ungrounded feeling, spacey always daydreaming, not wanting to be here on Earth, not wanting to CONNECT with reality or be in their body
  • Blocks of memory loss at any time in life but particularly from childhood
  • Unable to release some emotional trauma from the past death, divorce, abuse, or loss of emotional feeling an emotional numbness
  • Addictions of any kind, such as alcohol, drugs, food, binging, anorexia, cravings, gambling, love, codependency
  • Sick since birth especially during the first 12 years of life
  • Depression of any kind or asking, Why am I here? – A sense of no direction, no sense of purpose or self
  • Schizophrenia or any other sort of psychotic break from reality
  • Shame fuels loss of self-esteem/confidence, and usually caused in childhood
If you are considering scheduling a Soul Retrieval journey, ask your inner self:
  • What is the issue/situation you want to gain clarity on or resolve?
  • Do you connect to any of the above indications or have you gotten any signs a soul retrieval is the next step for you?
  • Are you ready to welcome new perspectives?

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What do you do during a soul retrieval journey?

For an in-person journey, the person is made comfortable and relaxes, does not journey, and tries to remain conscious and receptive while the Shaman maintains physical contact with the client touching hands. The Shaman then enters an altered state to connect with Guides in the spirit realm and retrieves the soul pieces. Once all the pieces are found, he/she will blow the soul pieces back into the person’s heart and crown chakras. During an extraction, the Shaman will scan the energy system with his/her hands several inches over the body. Blocks are removed, and repairs completed using tools such as feathers and crystals. The energy body is then sealed by circling the body with a rattle.

Long-distance journeys are similar to in-person journeys for the Shaman, and equally effective for the person. The Shaman enters an altered state and requests permission of his/her guides and the guides of the client to perform the soul retrieval. Once this permission is granted, he/she will continue and retrieve any lost soul pieces. During an extraction the Shaman scans the energy body of the client while in an altered state. The Shaman uses the same ceremonies used during an in-person journey. After the extraction, the Shaman reports to the client by phone, mail, email, or virtual meeting as requested by the client.

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Will I have any reactions to soul recovery?
There are as many responses to soul recovery as there are people. Some feel a sense of immediate relief as if a weight is lifting off their shoulders. There might also be tears, a sense of joy, physical or emotional pain. If you are integrating in-depth emotional soul pieces, you may experience some emotional highs and lows in the first month after a soul retrieval. A possibility exists for aggravation or temporary worsening of a physical ailment. Your senses are entirely engaged everything may look more colorful, tastes are tastier, etc. You may begin dreaming again, and recall them after waking. Dreams can become more vivid and lost memories may come back. If someone had taken a piece of your soul they may call you, write you, or show up unexpectedly about a month after the soul retrieval, so be prepared! With the return of pieces, there is a reawakening of the body on all levels. Just know your reaction will be unique to you, and for your highest good.Back to top

What happens when Soul Retrieval does not work?

From the Shaman’s perspective, a soul retrieval always works. The soul pieces are retrieved and returned to you. It is extremely rare for a returned soul piece to split back off. Depending on the soul pieces returned, the trauma might be too minor to feel the return. Sometimes, a person unconsciously may not be ready to receive that piece, although they will say they are ready. A person may be afraid of it, and others are just not ready to deal with the returning soul pieces. The soul pieces will remain in the person’s soul matrix, staying quietly in the background, supporting their personal development.

What if I cannot come to the Shaman?Soul Retrieval works equally well, whether in-person or by long-distance. Long-distance journeys work because the Shaman travels in the spirit realm where there is no time or distance. In the spirit realm, the Shaman can travel to you. From there, the Shaman and his/her guides proceed to collect your soul pieces with Spirit’s permission.

For the Shaman, the long-distance journey process is the same as in-person; only the client is not there physically. The Shaman enters an altered state and requests permission of his/her guides and the guides of the client to perform the necessary healing. Only after permission is granted, will the Shaman continue to retrieve any lost soul pieces or perform an extraction. After journey, the Shaman gives a report to the client by phone, mail, email, or virtual meeting as requested by the client.

Do long-distance journeys work as well as in-person soul recoveries?Many Shamanic practitioners work on people without being physically present or what we call long-distance. Shamanic journeys work equally well by distance and in-person. We do not have to have you present physically for the journey as we are working with Spirit and Guides in dimensions that have no time, space, or distance. We travel to the same places to gather information whether the client is in-person or long-distance. The main difference between the two methods, is that in person you get to experience whatever ceremony the Shaman engages, maybe some drumming and, if wanted, a joyous hug. When we work with you long-distance, you do not have to be resting or meditating. You can simply go about your day, and we will visit you at the energetic level. Sometimes people are aware of our visit, but most times not. A date and time frame are set for the journey and call.

For the Shaman, the process for long-distance journeys is the same as in-person journeys; only the client is not there physically. The Shaman enters an altered state and requests permission of his/her guides and the guides of the client to perform the soul retrieval. Once this permission is granted, he/she will continue and retrieve any lost soul pieces. An extraction is done as well by scanning the energy body while the Shaman is in altered state. After the soul pieces are retrieved and the extraction is done, the Shaman gives a report the client by phone, mail, email, or virtual meeting.

Can a soul recovery be done for someone without their knowledge?An ethical Shaman (see How to Choose Your Shaman) will not perform a Shamanic journey on anyone without their knowledge. Conscious permission is required before a journey can be done for someone. Exceptions are a parent requesting a journey for a child, or for a family member that is not in a conscious state, or for someone who has crossed over. Even in these situations, the Shaman will first receive permission for the journey from that person’s Spirit Guides.

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What are Spirit Guides?Spirit GuideSpirit guides help/aid the Shaman on his/her journeys and in tracking lost soul pieces. The guides may offer specialized skills and provide protection and guidance for the Shaman’s journeys.

A spirit guide can assume many forms, depending on the cosmology of the Shaman and the ’client’s belief systems. In many cosmologies, the guides appear in animal form, sometimes referred to as power animals or animal totems. In some cases, they may appear in human form or as faeries or elementals or as tree or plant spirits.

Teacher spirits often appear in human form — such as ancestors, gods, and goddesses, deities, or the spirits of deceased historical figures.

Everyone has spirit guides that are protecting, supporting, and helping us whether we are aware of their presence. Sometimes guides are brought back during a soul recovery, making a conscious connection to assist a person in their healing and growth process.

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Is a soul retrieval helpful for chronic illness?

Soul retrieval is NOT a replacement for approved medical techniques or discontinuing use of drugs prescribed by your medical doctor without his/her approval. While spectacular healings take place, no claims should be made for any medical or therapeutic benefit from a journey. Soul retrieval and extraction may be helpful in some chronic illnesses. Sometimes clients have agreed to carry on family (genetic) patterns and soul recovery can help to release these patterns from their energy bodies. Also, undergoing a series of extractions can help improve a person’s energy flow and support their healing process.

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Can a soul retrieval help someone who is in the dying process or who has already crossed over?

The Shaman can help the person who is dying to contact their spirit guides to help make the transition easier. He/she helps them to return any soul pieces of others that they have been holding. If the person has already crossed over, the Shaman can help the person’s Spirit by returning soul pieces and helping them move on into the light. While occasionally the Shaman may receive a message from a loved one who has crossed over, the Shaman does not act as a medium to exchange messages.

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Does soul recovery and extraction work on animals?

Yes, journeys work on animals, plants, and the Earth. Journeys are a healing process for “All of Our Relations”. Journeys can be used on animals to help heal physical conditions, behavior problems, and acute conditions such as accidents or trauma.

Can soul retrieval and extraction be used to clear negative energy from a place?Yes, a journey is used for clearing stuck energy from houses, businesses, and land because of current or past traumas that have taken place there.

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