Oh No – Dandelions

DandelionAs spring comes into bloom, we wake up to find the bright yellow discs of dandelions sunning themselves in our yards. Of course, our first instinct is get out the weed killer or the weeding tool and off the little suckers quickly before they go to seed. But dandelions are actually a very mystical and magical plant.

Dandelions are rich in symbolism. Their ability to thrive under the most adverse conditions can teach us persistence and survival. Dandelions even burst through the cracks of city sidewalks, a defiant bit of green standing strong. The deep taproots remind us to ground ourselves deep into Mother Earth, so we can stand strong no matter how life’s winds blow.

The opening and closing of the flower, and its transformation into an adorable puff of seed, lead us through our own changes as we first show ourselves off, then retreat, then return in a different form. The seeds’ journey illustrates a time of letting go, of starting something new.

Because we see dandelions as invasive weeds, we don’t think about all the wonderful magical and healing properties associated with them. Therefore, we also miss the beauty these bright yellow flowers bestow in nature. This is why Dandelion teaches us to look beyond the surface of things and find the beauty that isn’t always visible and apparent. Dandelion is a weed with great color and vitality. Is there something of color and vitality around you that you are missing? Look deeper.

There is a tremendous amount of folklore about Dandelion. Have you ever noticed that dandelions open and close at the same time each day? Usually they open around 5am and close at about 8pm. This is why they are often referred to as “Fairy Clocks.”

When these little yellow flowers start popping up on your front lawn, consider it to be an omen of good luck. That is because Dandelion belongs to the planet Jupiter which is the planet of wealth. If you have a lot of dandelions around your yard, it can mean that you have money coming to you. If you are experiencing bad luck, you can bury the plant in the Northwest corner of your yard and it will change to good luck. (Okay, it’s time to put away the weed killer now.)

Throughout the ages dandelions have been used for divination, as a way to tell fortunes or make wishes.  Dandelion puffs were read like tea leaves, reading the patterns that were made when the seeds were blown into the air or across water.

Another magical purpose of the dandelion is to send a loved one a message by blowing the seeds (thoughts and wishes) to them. Another divinatory use for Dandelion is to blow all the seeds of off the head. The remaining seeds can mean that your loved one is thinking of you at the same moment (the more seeds remaining, the stronger he or she is thinking of you.)  Another school of thought here is if they all come off in one blow it means the love will be passionate and committed. If there are seeds remaining it can mean that the love is a fickle one.

You can also blow on a dandelion seed head to tell whether a lover is coming or not and which direction; how soon before you will be married; how many children you will have; or how many years you have left to live.
The dandelion is also sacred to the Celtic fertility and hearth goddess, Brigit. The more dandelions that are rooted on your front lawn – the more likely your husband are to be faithful to you. And the dozens of seeds released by each flower head represent fertility and abundance.

And, it’s said that if you see a dandelion puff ball blowing towards you it can also mean that you are receiving a message from a guiding spirit or an angel.

If you make a tea of roasted dandelion roots and place it near your bed you can call the spirits to you so they will answer your questions.  This tea also helps to promote psychic powers.

The next time you see a dandelion, we invite you to look beyond its surface and find the beauty that resides within this humble weed.

Child Blowing DandelionNow go find yourself a dandelion puff and divine your future.

Until next time –

Mitakuye Oyasin (A Lakota prayer reminding us we are all related), 
