Category Archives: drum making

Summer Solstice Celebration at Shaman’s Grove

I haven’t been blogging lately or posting much on Facebook. I am slowly (and I mean slowly) recovering from a concussion. Physically I’m pretty much back to normal, but my poor little scrambled brain isn’t quite up to snuff. So, writing, email, etc. is a challenge. As soon as I’m feeling “normal” again, I’ll start writing. We wanted to get these flyers out to you so you can keep on top of upcoming events. Continue reading

Feeding Your Drum

feeding-drumThis morning I was reading my RSS feeds from the Shamanic Drumming blog. Michael posted a great “how to” on feeding your drum. Fortunately he’s given me permission to pass along his posts to you, so for all you drummers out there, here it his article. Thanks Michael.

How to Feed Your Drum
by Michael Drake

In the shaman’s world, all is alive. A drum is regarded as a living organism; not as an object. The drum has a spirit that can be awakened and if called upon, must be “fed.” Continue reading

Getting To Know Your Shamanic Drum

Shamanic DrumHello Friends. I’m almost back in the shamanic world again. Spring at “The Grove” is always a busy time, and a lot of things get postponed (like meals, accounting, blogs, housecleaning…) This spring we’ve been putting up over 300′ of field fence around the garden (including cutting trees for around 40 fence posts), getting new beds made and planting, as well as building a pen for our baby chicks and caring for the land. Keeps us out of mischief 🙂

So this morning over tea, I got a chance to catch up on one of the blogs I read, Shamanic Drumming by Michael Drake. We’ve known Michael for years and enjoy his blog and the book (The Shamanic Drum: A Guide To Sacred Drumming) and CD (The Shamanic Drum Instructional ) he has on shamanic drumming.

As you all know, we do drum making playshops/workshops and help people create their own drums. Many of these drums are used for shamanic healing and some are simply instruments used to make joyful sounds (hmm…I bet that’s still a form of shamanic healing…)

During our drum making playshops we introduce ceremony many times during the workshop, offering thanks and healing to the spirits that offered themselves to be used in creating the drum, and welcoming the spirit of the drum. Continue reading

Drum making from Tales from Echo Canyon

Welcome to the Shaman’s Blog.

Back in April, we facilitated another drum making playshop. This time Gary’s sister, Eileen, was in attendance. Besides being our shamanic teacher, she is also a writer, photographer, homeopath and astorloger. Yes — she wears many hats 🙂

So, besides birthing her drum, she took many pictures and added this wonderful blog to her blog at Tales from Echo Canyon. You may want to check out some of her photography – lots of great nature pics! Continue reading

Birthing the Sacred Drum

This Sunday was the eighth month of a shamanic study group that Gary and I are facilitating. We were really looking forward to this segment of the class as we get to be “midwives” again to the birth of new drum spirits for our “shaman’s in training”. This is a powerfully spiritual and healing experience for all involved.

Follow us in the creation process and see if it doesn’t make you want to give birth to your own drum. If you are not near Phoenix, AZ, we will travel to do drum birthing classes. Please feel free to contact us.

We were all born with a drum – our heartbeat. We hear the heartbeat of our mother in her womb, and the drum is the heartbeat of our Earth Mother and our Ancestors. Making contact with a drum awakens our sacred, awakens our soul.

The drum is a powerful tool for a Shaman. The Shaman uses the drum beat to access an altered state of consciousness to perform journeys for self, others and the earth and universe. We follow the drum beat to other dimensions and other worlds, travelling where no time and space exist. The drum beat also acts like bread crumbs being left along the trail that we can follow to return home to this reality. Continue reading