Category Archives: Shamanic Drumming Blog

Feeding Your Drum

feeding-drumThis morning I was reading my RSS feeds from the Shamanic Drumming blog. Michael posted a great “how to” on feeding your drum. Fortunately he’s given me permission to pass along his posts to you, so for all you drummers out there, here it his article. Thanks Michael.

How to Feed Your Drum
by Michael Drake

In the shaman’s world, all is alive. A drum is regarded as a living organism; not as an object. The drum has a spirit that can be awakened and if called upon, must be “fed.” Continue reading

Getting To Know Your Shamanic Drum

Shamanic DrumHello Friends. I’m almost back in the shamanic world again. Spring at “The Grove” is always a busy time, and a lot of things get postponed (like meals, accounting, blogs, housecleaning…) This spring we’ve been putting up over 300′ of field fence around the garden (including cutting trees for around 40 fence posts), getting new beds made and planting, as well as building a pen for our baby chicks and caring for the land. Keeps us out of mischief 🙂

So this morning over tea, I got a chance to catch up on one of the blogs I read, Shamanic Drumming by Michael Drake. We’ve known Michael for years and enjoy his blog and the book (The Shamanic Drum: A Guide To Sacred Drumming) and CD (The Shamanic Drum Instructional ) he has on shamanic drumming.

As you all know, we do drum making playshops/workshops and help people create their own drums. Many of these drums are used for shamanic healing and some are simply instruments used to make joyful sounds (hmm…I bet that’s still a form of shamanic healing…)

During our drum making playshops we introduce ceremony many times during the workshop, offering thanks and healing to the spirits that offered themselves to be used in creating the drum, and welcoming the spirit of the drum. Continue reading

10 Good Reasons to Take a Shamanic Journey

Check out this great post from Michael Drake’s Shamanic Drumming blog.

“Some of the top reasons people take a shamanic journey include . . .

1. To reconnect with your inner or spirit self
2. To gain insight into an issue that you want to know more about
3. To clarify life purpose
4. To access a higher power
5. To access personal help and healing Continue reading

“Mindfulness and Animism: The Art of Soul Healing”

Today’s RSS feed from Shamanic Drumming included a link to this article fromThe Huffington Post by Kelley Harrell, neoshaman and author of Gift of the Dreamtime In her blog, she explores how our cultural perceptions affect our ability to heal and stay well. Many of us invite soul healing into our lives, and then experience an initial phase of euphoria and wellbeing, only to eventually take on symptoms of dis-ease or imbalance again. Kelley attributes this to our inability to fully embrace the mindfulness and worldview of our animistic forefathers.

She highlights some important points about attending to our healing at all levels, body, mind and spirit. Check it out. Read more.

Until next time –
Mitakuye Oyasin (A Lakota prayer reminding us we are all related),


The Hollow Bone Teaching

I’m reposting this wonderful blog from a friend, Michael Drake. We met Michael many years ago at a shamanic drumming workshop. He has some interesting books and CDs on his website – He also has a wonderful blog that I highly recommend subscribing to (

Many of you have heard Gary and I talk about being the “Hollow Bone”. Here is some info on how you too can become that “Hollow Bone” for Spirit.

Shamanic Drumming: The Hollow Bone Teaching Continue reading