Category Archives: shamanism

A Healing Stone Ceremony

Wow, I can’t believe almost six weeks has gone by since I posted last. Where has the time gone?

Well, part of the time has gone into the face lift for the blog. Made some major changes so no more ugly Blogger blog. We now integrate with the website! It wasn’t a huge project except that last night, when everything was working beautifully, I moved it from the working file and BOOM, it all disappeared! And I mean disappeared! I had to start from scratch 🙁 Fortunately, it wasn’t such a project the second time around.

Besides the new look, you can now post comments on the blogs. HA! Now I’ll know if you’re reading or I’m talking (blogging) to myself 🙂

Late summer at The Grove brings a flurry of activity with harvest and preserving the winter stores. Even though I didn’t get my garden in this year, we have wonderful farms and markets here to purchase my goodies from the local farmers. My cupboards are filling with pickles, corn, tomatoes, relish, peaches, tuna from the coast and more. Needless to say we don’t go hungry around here! And, we get to eat mostly local all year round.

I had a different blog planned for today, but I received the September newsletter from Healing Drummer and it contained a great healing stone ceremony. Toby said I could share it with you, so here it is, courtesy of Toby Christensen via Enjoy and subscribe to his great newsletter. Continue reading

Healing Power of Drumming – An Ah-ha Moment

Recently I was talking with a colleague in New Jersey and we were discussing her excitement over drumming for an upcoming shamanic journey at an assisted care facility. As with many conversations, this one led us on a trail of discussing the healing power of the drum.

Through many years of drumming and hosting circles, Gary and I have been witness to the not only the calming and stress relief benefits of drumming, but the power that the vibrations have to shift the energy body to release pain and to heal deep physical and emotional disorders. Studies have shown that drumming stimulates the immune system and promotes the production of endorphins and the body’s own morphine-like painkillers helping to control pain.

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Healing vs. Curing

Frequently Gary and I get calls from someone wondering if and how a shamanic journey can help them or a loved one with a disease. And often these are what the medical community sees as “terminal illnesses”. Their question is simple “Will a journey help?” The short answer is always “Yes, but what are your expectations?”

Here’s where we arrive at the issue of healing vs. curing. Continue reading

Earth Day 2012 and Seed Bombs

Earth Day 2012 is almost here. While we feel everyday is Earth Day, I like to look at it as Mother Earth’s birthday. Hey, we all have a birthday. It’s a great reason to celebrate and have fun.

Last year’s Earth Day post gave you some ideas for things to do to connect with Mother Earth and her inhabitants. This year, we’re celebrating with “Seed Bombs”… consider them party favors from Mother Earth’s birthday party.

Seed bombing is a subset of the Guerrilla Gardening movement, which has been described as “Gardening public space with or without permission. Continue reading

St. Patrick’s Day – Both Sides of the Coin

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and it’s definitely Irish Pride Day here in the US today. And we are certainly proud Irish (you don’t see the other ethnic groups celebrating their heritage with such a hullabaloo.)

We pagans or non-Christians are well aware of the struggles between those who follow a Christian path and those of us who follow the “old religions”. So, here’s both sides of the coin with St. Patrick. Continue reading

Rules For Being Human

I have been working on digitizing our years of client files. It’s been a slow process that began before we moved to Oregon a couple years ago. I only got 1 file cabinet done, so we had to move the other. As I have been doing the scanning, I ran across these “Rules For Being Human” from the book “If Life is a Game, These are the Rules” by Cherie Carter-Scott, that we sent out to some of our clients.

Gary and I are off galavanting, facilitating a 6 day retreat. Enjoy these and we’ll have more fun stuff when we get back.

Until Next Time –

Mitakuye Oyasin (A Lakota prayer reminding us we are all related)

The Rules for being Human

When you were born, you didn’t come with an owner’s manual; these guidelines make life work better. Continue reading

Totem Spirit Stones

Totem Spirit Stones are now available at Shaman’s Marketplace. These Totem Spirit Stones are created by carving totem animals into polished tumbled gemstones to unite the healing property of the stone with the attributes of the totem animal.

These carved stones are great for inviting the specific attributes of the totem animal into your meditation or daily routine. Carry the stone in your right pocket or hold in your right hand during meditation. They are also a good to place on your desk, altar or meditation table to honor your totem animals or animal spirit guides. Continue reading

Drum Chakra Balancing

Woo Hoo… our first video blog!

After literally hours of playing with audio and video equipment we have our first video blog.

Here we explain how to use a frame style hand drum to balance your chakras.

The vibrations of the drum are excellent for moving energy and bringing balance to your energy system.

So, if you have a hand drum available and a partner to help you drum, join in and learn how to balance your chakras. Continue reading

The Hollow Bone Teaching

I’m reposting this wonderful blog from a friend, Michael Drake. We met Michael many years ago at a shamanic drumming workshop. He has some interesting books and CDs on his website – He also has a wonderful blog that I highly recommend subscribing to (

Many of you have heard Gary and I talk about being the “Hollow Bone”. Here is some info on how you too can become that “Hollow Bone” for Spirit.

Shamanic Drumming: The Hollow Bone Teaching Continue reading

Preparing for the new year

I have a daily meditation book called The Celtic Spirit – Daily Meditations for the Turning Year by Caitlin Matthews. I would highly recommend this book for some daily readings and good food for thought from a Celtic perspective. It cycles through the Celtic Year beginning on November 1 through Samhain on October 31.
The reading for today was quite fitting to what I might suggest, so instead of recreating the wheel, here is today’s reading:

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