Category Archives: Toby Christensen

A Healing Stone Ceremony

Wow, I can’t believe almost six weeks has gone by since I posted last. Where has the time gone?

Well, part of the time has gone into the face lift for the blog. Made some major changes so no more ugly Blogger blog. We now integrate with the website! It wasn’t a huge project except that last night, when everything was working beautifully, I moved it from the working file and BOOM, it all disappeared! And I mean disappeared! I had to start from scratch 🙁 Fortunately, it wasn’t such a project the second time around.

Besides the new look, you can now post comments on the blogs. HA! Now I’ll know if you’re reading or I’m talking (blogging) to myself 🙂

Late summer at The Grove brings a flurry of activity with harvest and preserving the winter stores. Even though I didn’t get my garden in this year, we have wonderful farms and markets here to purchase my goodies from the local farmers. My cupboards are filling with pickles, corn, tomatoes, relish, peaches, tuna from the coast and more. Needless to say we don’t go hungry around here! And, we get to eat mostly local all year round.

I had a different blog planned for today, but I received the September newsletter from Healing Drummer and it contained a great healing stone ceremony. Toby said I could share it with you, so here it is, courtesy of Toby Christensen via Enjoy and subscribe to his great newsletter. Continue reading