Stones and Crystals Support Weight Loss

stones & crystalToday I want to discuss how the Stone People can help us keep our New Year’s promise to our self to shed some excess pounds. By now, some of us are already waivering and being drawn back into old habits. Fortunately there are some wonderful stones and crystals that can be used as tools and support to achieve your weight loss goals.

Now, just carrying around these stones isn’t going to cause those excess pounds to come off, but you know that already. Yes, I know we’re still looking for the “miracle pill” to shed those pounds. This is just a reminder that we still have to be active and proactive in our weight loss journey by having a healthy diet and getting some exercise. Even though these stones and crystals aren’t that “miracle pill”, they provide some nice benefits that help us to stay on track.

Some benefits of using stones and crystals to support your weight loss efforts:

  • Suppresses Hunger
  • Raises Metabolic Rate
  • Reduces Fatty Deposits
  • Supports liver detoxification
  • Releases excess weight from Stress & Anxiety
  • Raises Self-esteem, self love
  • Help Stop Addictive Habits

Here is a list of some stones and crystals that you may find helpful.

Apatite can aide in reducing your appetite and increasing your willpower to resist those foods that can lead to weight gain. It also helps to raise your metabolic rate.

Amethyst is used for healing, rejuvenation and removing toxins (i.e. detoxifying.). It helps you cut out the addictive cravings and reduces bloating.

Apatite can aide in reducing your appetite and increasing your willpower to resist those foods that can lead to weight gain. It also helps to raise your metabolic rate.

Aventurine helps you to stay focused on a set weight goal.

Blue Lace Agate helps you say NO to the food when you are not hungry.

Carnelian gives you an energy boost between meals.

Carnelian stimulates metabolism.

Citrine keeps your digestive system functioning properly.

Clear Quartz helps you make the correct food choices.

Fluorite helps to improve your eating habits.

Iolite reduces fatty deposits in the body and supports liver detoxification.

Kyanite releases excess weight.

Petrified Wood helps one stay committed to a wholesome diet.

Red Tigers Eye speeds metabolism and is a powerful motivator.

Rose Quartz improves self-image and teaches us to love our bodies.

Seraphinite assists the body with detoxification.

Sunstone is an absolute MUST stone for self-destructive or self-sabotage tendencies. It also helps raise your mood and promotes good health.

If getting healthier and more fit and/or shedding some excess pounds in 2014 is on your “To Do List”, I recommend you find a few stones that resonate with your goals and ask them to assist you. You can carry them in a bag or pouch, wear them as jewelry (they would make a pretty necklace, bracelet or chain for your eyeglasses). Place some of the stones in your pillow case at night or simply meditate with the stones.

Don’t forget to cleanse your stones both physically and energetically. There are many places on the internet where you can learn how to cleanse the stones if you don’t know how. Then, gather your stones in your hand and fill them with your intention or a positive affirmation to activate them for weight loss.

Here’s to achieving your goals with the help of the Stone People!

Until next time –

Mitakuye Oyasin (A Lakota prayer reminding us we are all related),