One of Gary’s and my “resolutions” for 2015 is to streamline some of our activities to allow time for more new adventures, play and rest.
As promised in our Winter Newsletter, we have just moved our newsletter mailing list over to the Shaman’s Blog mailing . Now, you will begin to receive an email when Shaman’s Blog has new posts. This email will come out on Friday. You will only receive this email IF a new blog is posted, and if by some strange reason, more than one blog goes out in a week, you will still only receive one email.
Moving to posting the blog only will same me some work, and you will actually hear from us more frequently. Here’s the low down from the Winter Newsletter (in case you missed it 😉 ). This tells you how to connect with us in other venues as well as how to “disconnect” should you choose.
And with all these things keeping us busy, we’ve realized we need to make some changes in how we keep in touch with you … our friends, clients and “family of choice”. Debbie’s been going crazy trying to keep up with the newsletters (which she says she’s failed miserably with this year), two blogs, two websites, Facebook (another ball dropped) and life. So for 2015, we’ve decided to stop our quarterly newsletters. Don’t worry, we’re not going away. We’re going to make it easy for us to stay in contact, just no newsletters.
One of the blogs Debbie writes, Shaman’s Blog, will become our main format for informational posts. This is where we will post articles, playshop announcements, the occasional “miscellaneous musing”, etc. She has the blog set up to send out an email on Fridays. If there aren’t any new posts, you won’t receive an email. Debbie will move the newsletter email list over to our blog in January. So, in many ways, you’ll hear from us more, since she “tries” to post every couple of weeks to Shaman’s Blog. You can even leave us comments in the blog. If you don’t want to receive the blog automatically in your email box, please use the unsubscribe link here or at the bottom of this email to unsubscribe. Of course, then you’ll have to go toShaman’s Blog yourself to see what’s happenin’ here at Shaman’s Grove. And you can always subscribe to the blog later. And you can unsubscribe from the blog list at any time (not that you’ll want to) using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.
For our local Rogue Valley friends and family, we will still keep an email list to send you monthly reminders of the drum circle and other local events.
The other avenue for keeping up with us is Facebook. We’ll be using Shamanic Connection’s Facebook page for the more “chatty stuff”, so if you haven’t liked us on Facebook, now’s the time. Hopefully Facebook will see fit to show our posts in your news feed. (This is why we pretty much stopped posting, but the more we post, the more likely we’ll show up.) Our blog posts and playshop announcements, also automatically post to our Facebook page. So, go ahead and like our page. And no, we don’t TWEET
unless we’re talking to our feathered ones.
As always, we will post upcoming playshops and activities on our calendars at Shamanic Connection.
We mentioned writing two blogs. The other blog Debbie writes is Nature Wise and contains information about Animal Spirit Guides, plant and stone associations and other information about connecting with Nature. It also has an option to have the blog arrive in your email box. If you wish to receive this, just go to the blog and sign up in the box in the right column.
These changes will help Debbie’s poor little brain, and make it easier to come up with interesting content for you and keep you on top of life here in Oregon.
On to a simpler life and new adventures for all! We look forward to hearing from you in 2015.
Until next time –
Pleasant Journeys,