Category Archives: grounding

Grab A Drum And Drum For Your Health

drumCirclepngI’m sneaking this blog in between the first and second chakra in the series. This article was forwarded to me by a friend, and it really does fit into the chakra series. How you ask…well read on.

Dave’s list is all the things that we tell folks at our drum circles, and I thought we’d pass it on. And why recreate the wheel – it’s a good article. So, with Dave’s permission here is his article on the benefits of drumming…

Ten Reasons to Drum for Your Health 
Copyright 2010, David Robertson

1. Drumming is for everyone Continue reading

Chakras 101 – The First or Root Chakra

root-chakraToday we begin our exploration of each of the seven main chakras, starting with the first or root chakra.

The 1st Chakra, the Root Chakra, is also called Muladhara in Sanskrit. It is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back, and the pubic bone in front.

Key words for the root chakra are … survival, grounding, security, safety, support, individuality, and courage. Continue reading

A Grounding Visualization

With the holidays here, life is CRAZY. All the activities, parties, family gatherings, food and frenzies (whether we participate in them or not) can knock us off our center. It’s not uncommon to find we simply aren’t grounded this time of year. So, today we’re going to talk about how to get grounded again.

This is one of the most common issues Gary and I find when working with clients. We frequently see their energy bodies floating away or above from their physical bodies, and/or the chakras at the base of their feet are closed.

The foot chakras, found on the sole of each foot, work in combination with the base or root chakra, to create a stable foundation for our physical existence. When they are open, the foot chakras provide a constant connection with the energy grids of Mother Earth to the rest of the chakras in our physical and energy bodies.

Many people see this energetic connection as their “roots”. Like a root system of a tree, these “roots” stabilize you so you aren’t carried away by what’s happening in the world around you. When you are grounded, you remain solidly in your body, you are able to respond appropriate way, staying in the now, letting the past be and trusting that the future will be even better. Continue reading