For many years, since our children moved through the Santa Claus phase, we have gathered with family and friends to celebrate the Winter Solstice or Yule. Like our ancestors of old, following the rhythms of Mother Earth’s cycles, we gather to celebrate the end of the darkness and the return of the light.
Our ancestors lived in harmony with Mother Earth, Father Sun and Grandmother Moon, recognizing their cycles and living their lives within these rhythms, and celebrating the turning of the year and its cycles. The year’s shortest day and longest night, the Winter Solstice, is still celebrated in many traditions around the globe, celebrating the triumph of light over darkness… the return of the Sun. Continue reading
The Shaman, The Spirit Healer & the Earth
Talk about coincidences (and yes, I know there really aren’t any)…On Friday, I was forwarded the video links and this announcement from Global Spirit and asked if I would post it. Then last night we happened to be in Grants Pass and had the honor of attending a screening of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers’ movie “For the Next 7 Generations” (more on this next blog). Flordemayo, who is one of the speakers in this event is one of the 13 Grandmothers. Continue reading
Lions and Tigers and Bears – Oh My … Animal Guides
Okay, so I’m behind AGAIN… Can I say I’ve been busy harvesting and preserving the fruits of the summer’s labor? Someone at the farmer’s market yesterday was buying zucchini… I’ve been trying to GIVE them away! (Hey… maybe zucchini should be our Fall Harvest Give Away!) I have also been working on developing and acquiring some new product for our website at
And, besides, you don’t want to just hear me ramble. I’m sure you all have someone in your life who can fill that role if you need it. I’m not a rambler. Gary and I can ride in the car together for hours and hardley say a word. Just knowing we’re together and sharing the time together is heavenly.
Those of you who have worked with Gary and I over the years have heard us constantly referring to “we” when talking about your journeys. It sounds like we’re pregnant or have a mouse in our pocket, right? Well, we’re definitely NOT pregnant, but could possibly have that mouse in our pocket. An animal guide mouse that is. Continue reading
Book Review – Awakening to the Spirit World – The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation

Greeting from our new Oregon location!
May 1 was moving day. We picked up this 26′ Uhaul truck and a trailer for Gary’s motorcycle mistress and began packing. Our daughter, Kimberly, arrived early along with Gary’s sister, Eileen along with her “Dollie. Then our shamanic family, Keith, Jennifer and Deb showed up. Kimberly called some of her big buff guy friends to help us coercer the hot tub into the Uhaul, and then we really got down to it. Lots of others showed up during the day to lend a hand and say goodbye.
For a while it looked like things were going okay and we’d have plenty of room, until we started packing in the furniture. Continue reading
Moving Day at Shamanic Connection
I know I said I wouldn’t post until after the move, but I caught a few minutes between boxes, so I thought I would let everyone know how things are progressing for the trek to Oregon.
I just returned from the house hunting trip and have found us a wonderful place in a town called Central Point. It is a suburb of Medford, so we are only about 15 minutes away. Medford is a town of about 75k, so, not too big or too small. We were actually looking a little farther north toward Grants Pass, but I couldn’t find a country home there, so we migrated south. Continue reading
Everything is Sacred
Well everyone, I know I’m way behind on updating the blog, but life is such a whirlwind right now that it’s hard to keep upright.
We are busy preparing for our big move to Oregon the end of next month, so we are working diligently preparing our house to be rented, including the final piece of remodeling and lots of small repairs that we seem to not notice except when the rental agent is pointing them out.
I will be leaving my part-time job the end of this month and have started training my replacement. Can you imagine trying to pass along 4 ½ years of job experience in two weeks?? I see many margarita nights coming….
And we haven’t even started thinking about packing yet….
So, I hope we have your sympathy and that you’ll bear with us until we are settled and can start writing on a regular routine.
So, on to our story….
Sometimes we tend to get caught up in the trappings of the world and forget that everything is sacred, especially when it comes to spiritual endeavors including ceremony. We have to have the right stone or candle or incense or the ceremony won’t be right. Or we have to craft an item to perfection. “The right tool for the right job.”
I touched on this quite a few blogs back with the Popcorn and M&M ceremony, that even the most mundane item can hold a spiritual purpose. We often employ the “Sacred Bic” that Gary carries in his pocket and the “sacred hair dryer” for tightening up a drum head when the weather is too damp. Like a dear friend use to tell us, “If the Indians would have had a Bic or a glue gun, they’d have used them.” Indigenous people are VERY practical! Continue reading
A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee… and Shamanism.
This delicious email came to me through friends yesterday. They didn’t know where it came from, but that they too had received it by email. I searched the web and have found this posted many places, and some clear back from 2005, but no references or sources. But the Mom that originally coined this wisdom is extremely wise indeed. So, I pass this along to you as food for thought.
“A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee… Continue reading
Winter Giveaway
It’s time to announce the winner of our Fall Harvest Giveaway and ring in the winter drawing.
The Winter Giveaway relates to the North quadrant of the Medicine Wheel (see the Medicine Wheel information in our quarterly newsletters).
One of the major elements of the North quadrant is widsom. So to help access the wisdom of the Ancestors and the North quadrant, we are giving away a copy of Joyce Sequichie Hifler’s book, A Cherokee Feast of Days: Daily Meditations. Continue reading
Stories from the Time of Magic
Imagine stepping back into the rhythm of the past… into the days of vast forests, sacred groves and fires at twilight… of circles of three… women, priestesses, druids, healers… drumming and drawing stories of wisdom from the Otherworld to bless and heal the community. See yourself gathered around the sacred flame, see the faces of Maiden, Mother and Crone, and hearing their stories of wisdom and healing for the earth, the community and you…
As some of you know, my explorations of shamanism have brought me to a deep connection with Celtic shamanism, which is my heritage and spiritual connection through many, many lifetimes. It is through this connection that I have had the honor and opportunity to be a part of this circle of healing this past year. It has been a phenomenal healing and growth experience. Continue reading