Today we’re forwarding some wonderful information for upcoming events, so there will be 2 posts today.
PeaceWeek 2011
A Free Global Telesummit for Building a Culture of Peace
September 15 – September 21, 2011
![]() Wednesday, September 21st, 5:00pm to 6:00pm PDT Prayers From The Grandmothers,
PeaceWeek Closing Ceremony
with Grandmothers Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance and Mona Pollaca
PeaceWeek 2011 – A Free Global Telesummit
Dear Friend,
![]() I’m writing to invite you to celebrate peace with a truly amazing line-up of inspiring leaders and peacebuilders such as Grandmother Beatrice Long- Visitor Holy Dance, Grandmother Mona Polacca, , Alice Walker, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Arun Gandhi, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Daniel Goleman, Jane Velez-Mitchell and many more.
It’s all part of PeaceWeek 2011, a global telesummit featuring dozens of inspiring peacebuilders — and it’s all for free!
![]() This extraordinary event, coming up September 15-21, is the largest virtual peace summit ever created – last year more than 20,000 people registered from 152 countries. This year’s leaders will offer profound insights for you to create peace in your life, your family, your community and our world. You’ll also gain access to the full library of recordings from last year’s summit.
When you sign up, you’ll hear about groundbreaking global work from Israel and India to China and many places in between.
Sign up for free here. Join me and thousands of others from around the world – all of whom deeply care about the future of our planet and the potential for humanity to make a profound shift from a culture of violence to a culture of peace.
I look forward to seeing you at PeaceWeek. And please do share this invitation with friends and colleagues – all are warmly welcome
to participate!
In Peace,
Center for Sacred Studies P.S. PeaceWeek gives you personal access to many
![]() Alice Walker, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Arun Gandhi, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Daniel Goleman, Jane Velez-Mitchell, James O’Dea, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Avon Mattison, Kimmie Weeks, Grandmother Mona Polacca, Grandmother Beatrice Long- Visitor Holy Dance, David Korten, Aqeela Sherrills, Dot Maver, Stephen Dinan, Derrick Ashonoran Pandey, Chip Hauss, Hiu Ng, Miki Kashtan, Rev. Bob Chase,g, Steve Killelea, Sister Jenna, Dena Merriam, Rob Fersh, Rita Marie Johnson, Paul Chappell, Brother Anilananda, Kevin Quigley, Devaa Haley Mitchell, Andy Barker, Jenn Lim, Captain Richard O’Neill, Michael Furdyk, PoNurah Amat’ullah, Rabbi Justus Baird, Mary Stata, Sahar Nafal Kordahi, Tzvia Shelef, Orland Bishop, Guy Burgess, Heidi Burgess, Dr. Rick Levy, Julia Bacha, Nick Stuart, David Nicol, Belvie Rooks, Matthew Albracht, Emily Hine, Philip Hellmich.
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To see the full email Click here.