Category Archives: meal blessing

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy ThanksgivingThis year has come and gone all too quickly. It’s certainly been a year long roller coaster ride for us. Gary and I have much to be thankful for and we give thanks daily for all Spirit has shown us and provided. Thanksgiving provides us that outlet to say “thanks” among all our friends who bear witness. So, as we gather round this large Thanksgiving table, courtesy of the World Wide Web, we raise our glasses and gives thanks for… Continue reading

Thanksgiving Blessings

As Thanksgiving rapidly approaches and we begin to prepare for our holiday meal, no matter how big or small, we sometimes get lost in the preparation and forget that this is a day of gratitude. 

I’ve been reading a lot of grumbling on some blogs and Facebook about not celebrating Thanksgiving because of the poor treatment of our Native American ancestors … But, no matter how it started out centuries ago, Thanksgiving is a day that has been set aside to offer thanks and gratitude to Spirit for all that has been provided to us. So, forget about the Pilgrim stories and focus on the present. Remember, we live in the now. Continue reading