It’s been a while since my last post and it has been quite a journey for the last month. Actually more like an E ticket ride at Disney Land. Or, do they have a G ticket ride???
As many of you know, Gary was on the East Coast and in Germany for most of the month of September. He arrived home on the 28th and within 24 hours proceeded to have a small heart attack. He is doing well now. They put a stent in an artery and kept him a few days at the hospital in CCU. What a surprise from the man who hasn’t been sick (other than flu) in the 36 years we’ve been married! This experience has been a definite wake up call, and a giant roller coaster ride for us.
We are both very thankful for the wonderful medical personnel here that took care of both of us. And timing was everything. Besides waiting to get home from Germany, our son, Brian, just moved here the week before and is staying with us until he finds and apartment. So, I had the support here at home while driving back and forth the Medford to the hospital and we have help with some of the heavier things that need to be done before winter sets in.
We are making a few small changes in our lifestyle, fortunately not much needed changing. Seems this is mostly a genetic issue and result of not taking care of himself during those young, 6’9” and bulletproof days. Seems the armor gets a little thin as our knights age. He’s had some R&R time and is ready to return to work soon. Our thanks to all who sent Guides/Allies and healing energy to help. I must admit the hospital was pretty crowded and filled with bright energy.
I’m hoping to be back in sync soon. I finally got our fall newsletter out today and thought I should let you all know what’s happening and that we haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. We’re just enjoyin’ the ride…
Until next time –
Mitakuye Oyasin (A Lakota prayer reminding us we are all related),